Photos of the Be-200 air tankers in Indonesia

Be-200 Indonesia
According to @RusEmbPeru, the Russian-made Be- 200 airtankers saved an eighteenth century mosque on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

We found these photos on Twitter of the Russian-made Be-200 amphibious scooping air tankers that have been deployed to assist with the wildfires in Indonesia. Two of them arrived in the country October 21, 2015.

Be-200 Indonesia
A Be-200 air tanker at Palembang, Indonesia. Photo via @BNPB_Indonesia.
Be-200 Indonesia
A Be-200 air tanker arrived at Sultan Mahmud Airport Baddarudin, Palembang , South Sumatra, October 21, 2015. Photo via @antaranews.


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2 thoughts on “Photos of the Be-200 air tankers in Indonesia”

  1. These were the first pics I’ve seen of the Be200 with a human standing next to it to see how big it really is. So I had to check the specs, the Be200 is bigger then the CL415 mostly by length and the Be200 is just a little smaller then the Mars, with the Mars having a larger wing span. It’s a big Russian aircraft!

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