Australians look at how large air tankers are used in the United States

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Australian fire managers have been studying the use of air tankers, increasingly so in the last two years. They are on the second year of contracting to use a large air tanker and a very large air tanker during their summer bushfire season. And recently some of the aussies have traveled across the equator to see how the aircraft are used in North America.

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2 thoughts on “Australians look at how large air tankers are used in the United States”

  1. Cal Fire: Good point Johnny.
    You need a tactic: Initial Attack
    and a Tool Box with complementary tools.
    And experienced humans running the show.

  2. Interesting, how tankers are used? I would have thought a trip (working vacation) would have included how tankers are really used, Cal Fire. Did the Aussy group have a opportunity to visit the 747 project down the road from CoE?

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