Photo of Russian firefighters mobilized for a fire in Siberia

По обращению Правительства Бурятии об оказании помощи в удержании под контролем лесопожарной обстановки, оперативный штаб Рослесхоза направил 50 авиапожарных ФБУ «Авиалесоохрана» на тушение лесных пожаров в регионе #ПДПС#парашютисты#десантники#пожарные#помощь#Бурятия#нацпарк#Тункинский#поджогисухойтравы#проблема#нарушение#Россия#Сибирь#мера#недопустить#лес#Авиалесоохрана#Avialesookhrana#Берегилес#smokejumpers#СМИ#ТВ

A post shared by Федеральная Авиалесоохрана (@avialesookhrana) on

About 50 wildland firefighter in Russia were mobilized to assist with a wildfire in Buryatia, a mountainous Russian republic in eastern Siberia.

Below is the Google translation of the image’s caption:

Avialesookhrana According to the appeal of the Government of Buryatia to assist in keeping the fire situation under control, the operational headquarters of the Federal Forestry Agency sent 50 air firefighters “Avialesoohrana” to extinguish forest fires in the region
# PAPC # paratroopers # paratroopers # firefighters # help # Buryatia # national park # Tunkinsky # arsons of dry grass # problem # violation # Russia # Siberia # measure # not # forest # Avialesookhrana # Avialesookhrana # Berehiles # smokejumpers # media # TV

And while we’re on the subject of airborne firefighters, back in America:

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2 thoughts on “Photo of Russian firefighters mobilized for a fire in Siberia”

  1. RE: Airborne firefighters
    Given the advancement in Helitack capabilities one might question the viability’s of have a smoke jumpers program?

    Would a better way might be having more Helitack units thus adding to the team a capability not only to transport people to a fire but also then being available to have an asset that could find and drop water/retarded around the target area ?

    Just a few observations to think about .

    1. I doubt smoke jumping will ever go away. Doing away with it has been tried a few times to my knowlage and there is always a lot of push back so the subject gets dropped.

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