Smokejumpers deliver

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3 thoughts on “Smokejumpers deliver”

  1. Gee. An almost identical story to mine. The lone crew on a small fire north of Boise. We were dropped hot freshly cooked food in big steel tins. Pretty cool to watch that. One chute hung up in a tall fir. Sometime after I crashed in my paper bag our foreman took a saw team down and retrieved it by felling the tree. Some of us awakened in the AM with holes burned into our bags from embers thrown up by that fir when it ignited! OOPS!! LR

  2. I remember the first cargo drop I ever saw. A bundle of those old capock filled sleeping bags got impailed on a big dead snag and burst open. It looked like a snow storm and we had to chop the snag down with pulaskis, no saws anywhere around. That was a long time ago in Idaho.

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