Flash from the past

Marc Anderson’s got a priceless collection of aviator photos on his facebook page, quite a few of which are Jerry Ogawa photos, including a few below. THANKS Marc and Jerry both!

1992 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1992 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1991 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1991 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1986 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1986 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1984 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa
1984 McCall smokejumpers photo © Jerry Ogawa

Typos, let us know, and please keep in mind the commenting ground rules before you post a comment.

10 thoughts on “Flash from the past”

  1. Well, it seems my comment stepped on some toes, for that I’m truly sorry.
    It was not my intention to do that. My first comment was that he did indeed have some nice photos, but no one seems to have noticed that part. I get enough political nonsense every day everywhere else, I didn’t need to see that there and it was THE FIRST THING I SAW when I got on his page before I got to the photos. I don’t need the hate and discontent that that kind of posting brings and that why I said what I did.

    Yes, I started and run 5 Facebook very successful pages related to Grumman Amphibians and Executive Piston engine aircraft with thousands of members and I monitor/Admin over a dozen others. I’m also on the Board of Directors of a 501c-3 that’s Veterans related and NONE of them allow political opinion or speech as it’s too devise, so when I saw that page I was triggered automatically. Again, sorry, auto reflex.
    Someone wondered how I find the time, easy. We are retired, we have no local friends, they have all moved away.
    Facebook is my lifeline to the outside world, it has been the bridge to connect me to old military buddies and childhood friends, it is my link to my remaining family members. I’m a no BS guy, I call a spade a frigging shovel.
    You either like me or you can piss off, I don’t care, I’m not here to win a popularity contest.
    I expressed my original opinion, which was unpopular, If that upset you, I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intent. But now you why you know why I said it. And I won’t retract it.

    1. You should probably explain, Bill, that it was the “Hate and Rage toward the GOP” that you thought you saw on Marc Anderson’s facebook page that you were actually talking about, and not political content on FireAviation, which is what most of us assumed you were saying.

      1. That’s exactly what I meant, but also ALL political comment just hits my anger button. Like I said, it brings out bad feelings in otherwise nice people.

  2. Nice, coll., but too political for my tastes. I run 5 FB pages and don’t allow any politics, makes for too many bad feelings.

      1. I can’t imagine the responsibility of running five whole facebook pages, but this isn’t one of those.

What do you think?