Four minutes with USFS pilot Mary Verry

Mary Verry

The U.S. Forest Service has produced a four-minute video featuring Mary Verry, the Fixed Wing Program Manager for the Pacific Northwest, including Washington, Oregon, and Alaska.

The title sounds like a desk job but she also flies a lead plane, helping air tanker pilots get into and out of retardant drop targets safely. She describes her job and gives some tips to those who may be thinking about becoming an aerial firefighter. The video is very well done — spend four minutes with Ms. Verry.

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2 thoughts on “Four minutes with USFS pilot Mary Verry”

  1. I have a new hero. I found my new hero while listening to scanner traffic covering the Camp fire in California. I was blown away by the calm professional voice of a lead in pilot named Mary. She was “slammed” with multiple air inbound tankers arriving overhead and was unflappable in her ability to sort everyone out, stack them and lead them in one at time while maintaining a constant flow of communication with them all. I can only imagine how reassuring it must be for the tanker pilots to know they have Mary in the lead and the respect they must have for her. Before this event, I had no knowledge of the world of aerial firefighting. Finding Mary has lead to much research on the subject and new found respect and appreciation for all those involved. She is a treasure for the USFS and by comparison, makes what I do seem inconsequential. Thank you Mary!

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